Strives to ray outwards, sun-imbued;
Transformed to forceful will of life
It shines into the senses' dullness
To bring to birth the powers
Whereby creative forces, soul-impelled,
Shall ripen into human deeds.
-Rudolf Steiner
Our souls embrace the seasons - each shift awakens our senses to the earth’s breath. In autumn, we celebrate Martinmas, our lantern festival. We cherish Father Sun's last autumn rays, which we will carry within to guide & guard us in the cold, winter months ahead.
Our festival's namesake, St. Martin, was known for his generosity and ability to bring warmth and light to those in need. Hence, we celebrate with gifts of food, light and song.
Each class volunteers pots of soup, fresh breads & warm cider to be shared on the beach as the sun descends. When darkness falls, the children illuminate their hand-made lanterns, gathering on the sand as the waves crash in the distance.
Our children's lanterns protect their inner flames, shielding them from the dark winter nights. Let us celebrate the joy of giving and receiving & the beautiful light within each of us.