Sanderling Waldorf School Web Site
1578 S. El Camino Real,
Encinitas, CA 92024
t: 760.635.3747
f: 760.635.1037

The Waldorf approach to science is to cultivate an attitude of awe, allowing children to experience the marvels of science around them. Additionally, reverence and a training of the senses is considered vitally important to opening the way for scientific experiences. Furthering the belief, that humans can in fact be participatory observers of life, not merely outside observers. Ms. Duckstad’s 4th/5th grade spent a 3-day excursion on Catalina Island submersing their senses in the natural world. On snorkel dives, the students explored the island’s kelp forest, rocky crags and experienced bio-luminescence firsthand as they witnessed plankton “light up” after dark. Studies of astronomy, geography and geology were conducted as they hiked the surrounding area - our beautiful planet providing the laboratory, classroom and textbook for this miracle we call life.
Fairy tales have enormous value in the life of a child. They educate, support and liberate their emotions, providing a bridge for children to come to terms with their own inner dilemmas. Steiner said, “The human soul has an inextinguishable need to have the substance of fairy tales flow through its veins, just as the body needs to have nourishing substances circulate through it.” Storytelling is a key tool in the Waldorf education. As the children progress through the grades, storytelling expands into performance. Short plays becoming a fixture of the curriculum. Mr. Gerbeau’s 1st Grade recently performed Grimm’s Rose Red & Snow White. Two casts, three performances, beautiful costumes and amazing light … bravo, bravo! 
The Ancient Greeks invented athletic contests and held them in honor of their Gods. History credits the commencement of the Olympic Games to 700BC in honor of Zeus. Following a long line of athletes before them, Ms. Duckstad’s 4th/5th grade participated in the Waldorf Schools of Southern California's Olympic Pentathlon. Fittingly held during the student’s Greek curriculum block, the event represented a day to bring forth the good and beautiful housed within. Held in Los Angeles, each student was grouped into one of four city-states: Athens, Thebes, Corinth or Sparta. Participating in games within their city-state group, the students competed throughout the day in discus, javelin, wrestling, long jump and running. Each individual offering their energy, challenge and triumph to their chosen God or Goddess, and even more importantly, to themselves.  
Shelter can be defined as a basic structure providing cover. Such a simple definition for one of life's three basic necessities. Ms. Melanie's 2nd/3rd grade completed their shelter block study with the hands-on creation of a log cabin. Measuring, sawing, assembling, hammering & painting. The shelter came together as much more than the practical application of their schoolwork. More so, a building in confidence & ability - a symbol within the children that they are learning to care for themselves. If you haven't taken a moment, please stop by and check out the new fixture on the grade school play yard. Each child has left their mark, not only in their presence, but visually as a hand-print on the structure's facade. 
Mother Theresa once said, "we can do no great things, only small things with great love." Fittingly, Rose Nursery/Kindergarten sponsored the Rhythm of Love fundraiser benefiting the Sanderling School. The evening featured silent & live auctions, raffles, a tapas spread and a groovy performance by Quinoa & The Millets. None other than a pop-up band comprised of parents, board members and Sanderling's 1st grade teacher, Jason Gerbeau. Sanderling School depends strongly on the fund-raising efforts of its parental community. This past year, we have experienced many events - some large, some small and not one in itself overly significant. But in total, these "small things" - fueled by the love parents have for their children and the strong belief they have in their future - have become monumental.