Fall evokes something deep within the soul - golden sun rays, dappled shadows, dark evenings, and cool, crisp mornings. For some of us, the time induces memories of trees changing color, harvests, and the sweet, smell of autumn. Whatever sensory perception you have of the season, it is sure to include apples.
The word apple comes from the Old English
aeppel. It's been around since the Iron Age and was cultivated in Egypt. First brought to the United States by the Pilgrims in 1620's, apple trees can live hundreds of years - they are true kindred spirits of the season.
In tribute, Miss Melanie's 1st/2nd grade class embarked on a field trip to Julian to hand select some tasty specimens. The children enjoyed picking at RavenHill orchard, pressing fresh cider, and picnicking under a canopy of trees on Miss Melanie’s organic farm. Although temperatures were in the 90's and the Santa Ana's were blowing - it was a perfect autumn day - you could almost smell the fresh baked apple pie.